A primary vision since the inception of Satoshi Panda has been the promotion of financial sovereignty through cryptocurrency. This falls in line with Satoshi's original vision for a decentralized peer-to-peer digital currency. Our goal is to educate as many people globally as possible on all things crypto while earning rewards for doing so.
We envision onboarding as many people as possible into the cryptocurrency space in a way where they understand the risks and rewards, as well as how to effectively and safely navigate the complex and vast landscape and ecosystem that is cryptocurrency...all while creating awareness for the innovative model that SAP offers for achieving financial freedom.
There are currently an estimated 300M people involved in the crypto space. We would like to see that number reach 1B.
Our upcoming Learn-to-Earn platform is focused on bringing widespread responsible and successful adoption of cryptocurrency to the masses, and amplifying the good word on SAP.
As part of our Learn-to-Earn platform, we are focused on increasing our SAP holder count to 1M.
How do we reach 1M holders? It's simple. We distribute a very small amount of SAP to each person who simply enrolls in our Learn-to-Earn platform. As students/participants go further into their crypto education journey, they will earn more opportunities for earning SAP, BTC, BNB, and other rewards.
We will primarily be employing an asynchronous learning model to educate people about everything there is to know about crypto.
Our SAP token will be the primary utility token for our Learn-to-Earn platform. While most of the content will be freely accessible for the goal of mainstream understanding of cryptocurrency, there will be certain functions within the Learn-to-Earn platform that will require SAP in order to start.
More details will be provided soon.
Last updated